Monday, April 30, 2012

Still looking for a free flashlight app which works with LED flash.

I have downloaded seven(!?) free flashlight apps and I am wondering why the led flashlight option does not work!
  1. LED light.
  2. FlashLight.
  3. Tiny Flashlight.
  4. Better Flashlight HD + LED.
  5. Tesla LEDFlashlight.
  6. Brightest flashlight.
  7. Moto Torch LED.
FlashLight has the best interface if you want to control the brightness of the virtual screen flashlight, or change the color. There must be a setting I still have to investigate or the hardware of the Moto Fire is simply not compatible with the application. Using these apps will drain the battery which powers the screen acting as a flashlight so fast! I already deleted most of them except FlashLight. There are even conflicting claims that most of the flashlight apps works with Gingerbread powered smartphonesAndroid Central

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